Sunday, 26 November 2017

Representations in my music video-

Artist Comparison-

Social Media page-

Weekly Schedule

11TH - 15TH

  • Pitch initial idea to class and receive feedback (from class)
  • Evaluate class feedback (will be essential for your evaluation) 
  • Refine idea and submit to teacher for feedback
  • Consider representations in your music video (who/what, why, where, how)
  • Begin to create a comprehensive storyboard of your music video
  • Prepare a schedule list
  • Post shots of prospective video locations

Weekly Schedule

Monday 18th September – Friday 7th October (3 weeks)
  • All filming of music videos to take place outside of lesson time
  • Teacher introduces digipak/ advert (generic conventions, part of the campaign etc.)
  • Research CD covers, magazine adverts – detailed annotation/analysis. Ensure research covers image layout and use of type.
  • Produce mock ups of ancillary products e.g. photos, drawings, collage, colour palette etc.

Weekly Schedule

18TH - 22ND

  • Complete feedback task (if necessary)
  • Create a comprehensive storyboard of your music video
  • Construct and post animatic onto blog
  • Create a schedule list
  • Remember to apply relevant narrative theorists to your music video
  • Post shots of prospective video locations
  • Write a risk assessment

Weekly Schedule

Monday 9th October – Friday 27th October (includes half-term)
  • Complete 1st draft of music video including filming and editing.
  • Screen shots of ongoing editing process essential for full marks.

Weekly Schedule

Mon 30th October – Friday 3rd November
  • Feedback on digipak and magazine advert to be returned to all students.
  • Make necessary improvements and complete final versions.

Weekly Schedule

Monday 6th November – Friday 24th November
  • Teachers to have returned first draft marks/comments for music videos
  • Update blogs with 1st draft teacher feedback (will be essential for your evaluation)
  • Make plan of action for necessary improvements
  • Make improvements to music video
  • Finish filming/editing final copy of music video
  • Screen shots of ongoing editing process essential for full marks.
  • Peer assessment and evaluate feedback. Update blog with feedback (will be essential for your evaluation).

Animoto- Story board

Monday, 20 November 2017

Filming Day 1-

Filming Day 5

Filming Day 2

Draft music video feedback-

  • Establishing shot – maybe try one without people in to create a feel of isolation. 
Whilst this was an evident issue with the draft music video, we decided to keep this establishing shot on the basis that I was able to achieve the correct lighting needed for the aesthetic I was going for and I didn't want to risk re-filming incase I couldn't achieve this again. 
  •  Shot of coming out of bath, make longer so we can see face completely emerge out of the water or shorten shot so audience cannot see face emerge at all. It looks like we cut the shot in an inappropriate place.
  •  Exterior shots – Looks more uncomfortable, looks at us for reassurance unlike interior shots where she is looking at the audience however quality of shots distract from the therefore no necessary need for change. Perhaps make some shots shorter for further improvements.  

Music Video Analysis

Music video analysis from DaisyBirchall14